5 August 2012

Egg-ified Me!

Egg. The Form from where Young Ones are  Produced in Birds.Now I am gonna tell you about how I started my Egg-eating journey. Egg is high in protein. Helps in cell enlargement and Elongation or something like that. Egg is white. Inside is a yellow. Blah blah and blah. Parents usually give these to children for a good growth and for a better Parenting.

Eggs that we eat are not fertilized ones that you must know. It can never hatch into a Chick. I think it's wrong to categorize this under Non-vegetarian. Now that I have said that I'll be telling the Veg-Egg-Eating Journey!
Let's go Order-wise. Hmmm... Half-boiled Egg comes first.I've seen in many a movie where the hero eats this when he's drunk. I don't know why but I've never given a thought to give it a try. So, the first addiction went like this. My Mom's Mom whom I call 'Maamai' in Tamil had come to our Dharmapuri home. She used to ask me, "Do you want something to eat?". One day just when she asked this, she suggested me to eat Egg. I was like Okay, whatever. There it came, in a plate, a white fluid turned to a paint-like substance with an yellow paint bulbed in the centre with Pepper sprayed on the top.

I thought she would give me a Boiled egg. But she gave me this. Ahem! How do I start? Surya came to my mind suddenly. He eats one in his Movie Maayavi. I hesistated before I put it in my Buccal and yes, I did it. And I was so damn amazed at its taste. The pepper and the yellow-k ( What's that spelling of the yellow coloured thing? )combined together, they rock the flavours. I was Slurping on the remaining contents. "Addiction Acquired" My brain received. From that day, whenever I go to a Hotel for my food, I order this without fail ( not in a Vegetarian hotel. They don't give me that ). Till now, when I go to Chennai to my Aunt's home, Maamai makes me two HBEs ( Half-Boiled Egg.) If you haven't tasted it before, try one. But you should learn how to put it in your mouth. Pretty Tricky. Sometimes the Yolk ( Now I got the spelling.) May burst and run as a Yelow Lava from the White Volcano ( Man, I am on fire today ). That's how I got in with HBEs.

The next on the list the Egg Chutney. Many might not be familiar with this dish. It's famous in Chidambaram. One day I was out with friends and my Engineering Senior, Mr. Umesh Kumar. The menu was many but we gave our choices - the same. Parotta! And I was seeing the senior order. He too ordered the same but he added something to the Parotta. The Egg-Chutney! What is that? I haven't heard of it anywhere.
The food arrived and we ate till our bellies bulged and off we went back to our rooms. I hadn't realized till then that my mind had Pre-received the "Addiction Acquired".

Then time rolled and one day, I went to Double-A, a restaurant where the Parottas are at their best. I ordered the usual order and with my knowledge, I ordered "One Egg-Chutney." It become a routine. It costs 15 a plate. It's made of Mashed Tomatoes and Scrpambled eggs. Is a great Combination side-dish for Parotta. Loved it. Whenever I go there, my bill will be Rupees 35. Rupees 20 for 4 Parottas and 15 for the Egg-Chutney!

But whenever a new egg-dish comes, the older one fades. The last and the current of the egg-ing is the One-sided Omlette. This stuck to me through a friend named Vijay. He always orders this. I know that but never have I ordered one as I am not much of Omlette fan. One day he suggested me to give it a small try and I did so. It was....Sple....ndid....! The procedure is just like the omlette but it is cooked one side.

Egg is beaten.
Onion is added.
Mixture is stirred.
Poured on the pan.
Left to heat.
The first side gets cooked.
The master folds it into half.
It is served.

But Omlette has both sides cooked. The taste of the uncooked part makes my mouth water. Kind of a nice taste. Now every dinner of mine involves this and I savour it. Let's see whether this Egg-intakes help me get lot more protein for my cell enlargement and help in my muscular development (I hardly think so)
You too. Have an Egg daily. Instead of apple. Much more useful.

If I ever eat a fertile egg and if that changes my voice chicken-like I'll be saying this, "Guhan will be back"
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