24 February 2013

A Poem that got me an actual Prize

You should first know that I am no poet or something. I am a friggin' normal guy with a talent (I don't know why I claim this to be a talent ) of Scribblng words and not making sense. You all know that I scribble a lot. And yes, I scribbled like this in a place where it was actually in a contest and the Scribblification that I did won a Prize. Yes, yes, you can't believe it. Neither could I. I was like "What in the world...?" when it happened.

So, There were many competitions such as English Essay Writing, Elocution, Painting, Drawing, Verse Writing and all such things. I gave my names in all of the writing contest but didin't participate in any except for this Poetry. When I come to the event, I'll think "Maybe we'll participate in this" but suddenly my plan changes and I end up not participating. Even on the day of Poetry I wasn't really in the mood of writing.But yet I sat down got myself a paper from a fellow volunteer and sat there till they gave out the topic. I thought they'd give a single topic but they gave: Global Warming, If my dreams come true, Friendship, Nature and My College Life.

Hmm... Let's see. I can't write about Global warming as I can't write Co2 and all that stuff poetically. Maybe I could have but I didn't choose that. "If my dreams come true" Well, I don't have dreams and if they come true they'll be stupid. So, can't take on that one. "Friendship" If I take this, I'll insert cinema lyrics inside. Creativity can't be maintained. So, NO! My College life. I haven't completed Colleging so I don't know about it completely. But I could've written under this also. I can make it funnier. But I chose the Nature Topic. Yes, I felt like taking it.

 I sat there in silence thinking about what to write. Nothing sparkled or came up or Glowed like bulb or snapped into my mind there. So I began with a line the my brother used to sing a song with a wrong lyric. There is a line in one song in Kama Hassan's Vishwaroopam : "I wanna be there someday" and my brother would sing it like "I wanna be the sunshine". I used it because it has sun which is Nature. I had no idea of what to write further and then I wrote like I was in an Examination where I keep a pen and the flow of words comes up like a river. So did the poem develop. And after many childish well-known words and things, I completed the poem.I signed it and gave it for the judgement. I told everyone that it was not that much worth of a Winning poem. But I had my Fingers Crossed if I may say that.

I wandered here and there as I was too, a Volunteer. The judge came onto the stage to announce the winners and instead of announcing it from third to first he decided to announce it from First to the Third. He began." And the first Prize goes to....." and I wasn't really expecting this but he continued "....Raja Guhan". There was applause from the audience. The people to whom I told that I wouldn't win were in a surprise and they were all smiling at seeing my "I won?" expression. I was literally with open mouth when they announced the winner. Dr. Kothandaraman shook my hands. It was an honour. and I really was at sea and surprised at the same time.

My heart bounced with joy. I was really, extremely happy. They called me on stage to read out the poem. They handed me the paper in which I wrote the poem. I was still making faces.Then I began to read with slight mistakes as I am no Englsih person and still trying to make sense and making the poem look like a real poem. You don't know how hard it is to do that. But anyways, my boundary-less brain let out something on a paper and got me an actual friggin' prize. Thanks for that, Cerebral or whatever that is responsible for that.

Read my poem here below. I am saying you, don't have a mindset that it'll look like a Poem if you're expecting that. It's something that came out of a stupid person's mind. So, here it goes...

I want to be the Sunshine,
The big bang turned out just fine.
I see the sunrise and sunset
Adding to mother earth's modest pride mountains!
I wonder how these magics happened
I want to be with, till the end.
Sparkling Springs and marvellous air,
We are just tenants and claim this to be our lair.
Jungles made of greenish trees,
Water that reflects blossoming blue,
Soil that sources the brown,
Flowers that bloom in ecstasy,
I got eyes to feel them all,
This miracle is the power of nature.
So evolved are we? Spoiling the earth's beauty,
Have we lost the trust that even animals carry?
Here we stand arguing about how it all formed,
But we lose to enjoy while we still got time.
Let's get the machine guns armed
To eliminate the harms we do to earth in time! 
                                                  -R.Raja Guhan

Once again, thanks for bearing with my words. 

10 February 2013

I want this in my Cheek so hard!

Hi guys, Welcome back! I gotta tell you something that I wanna experience in my life so friggin' bad. This may sound crazy to many of you (if you're still reading this) as it kind of looks like a thing that no one usually wants to happen in their life! So, what do I wanna experience? It is simple. It hurts. IT involves an another person. Can do on our own but will look silly. So, stop guessing! It's a SLAP!

I said this would be crazy. Now, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHO RAJA GUHAN IS? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT HE IS FIRE? Sorry. Vishwaroopam interjection.  Slapping is a thing that involves a person who will use his/her hand to hit another person on their cheek. I don't know how it is expressed in words (Yes, I searched in google, it was not there) but here's how I'll say it. "Chat" "Tishhhhh" (as in the cinemas) "Palaaar". No, I can't do this anymore. I'll just mention it as "Slap". Damn it.

I just want to get slapped so hard on my cheek. Why do I wanna get slapped so bad? Well, I really don't know why but it just makes me feel that I wanna get it experienced in my life. To be honest, frank and other suck words, I swear I haven't been slapped by someone till now. Wait! I remember now. I was once slapped by my Tamizh teacher when I was in my 6 or 7th grade. Actually she is my Mom's friend and we are in touch with her even now. She lives nearby Karaikal only. That must be the only slap in my history that I remember. Well, I can't remember whether my mom slapped me when I was an infant, well, who knows? I haven't got that hell of a memory.

You are welcome if you are willing to come forward and do this to me. Wait, hold on, before you get to conclusions, I don't want to get slapped without no reason at all. You gotta have a solid reason if you are about to slap me. Say, I am coming to tell my love to you and you frickin' hate me. In that situation you have the full rights to slap me so bad that my cheeks turn red. And also if I have done something wrong and that hurts someone literally and figuratively.

So, I am waiting for that very moment! Hoping that it doesn't come this Valentine's day!

Cheers, Bye!

2 February 2013

The Kumudham Fever

Well. Well. Well. Look where I've reached. This is not something that I am proud of but I feel immensely to let you all know that I am ready to make you regret once again and yes this is the fiftieth time. Hurray for the 50th post. Wish me for being even more stupider and more Non-sensing idiot and write as many Blogposts as possible. Please pardon me for the "Seerum Sura". I am so sorry, if that had hurt your feelings.

Maybe I haven't told you something of how I spent my twelfth holidays. I became a Book-reader and yes I was off reading some novels. I have always been a Novel and a fictious kind of guy. I read only fiction and this went through the whole of my vacation period. Suddenly, something happened. What? What? vacation ended and I had to get to college. I was getting a little bit of sad, so I took some my books along with me to College. Those books are Chetan Bhagat's Five Poine Someone, Arthur Conan Doyle's Detective Stories, Rohit Sharma's Discover Your Destiny ( obviously not a fiction or a novel, it is a Self-motivation book and it is my cousin's book. I still don't remember this thing, did I give it back to him?), and two Rajesh Kumar's ( I believe you know him, if not kindly GOOGLE) pocket novels.

These books are still there, I really haven't gotten any time to read all of these again (Yes, I have read them all). When I was in the first room (or home as I like it to be called) I started reading this Kumudham stuff. You know, this weekly magazine, putting up stuff that mainly comprises of Cinema and small politics stuff which actually isn't much worth reading if you'll ask me. Well, to be frank, I was too much into that thing as I actually read the magazines without fail, Every. Single. Week. It became like something that I began to expect when the time came for that magazine to be in the stores.

This thing went on for like four months or so, that is equal to 8 magazines in a row. And then things became sour for me, you, I started getting bored with the usual repetitive shit that comes over and over again. And the short headlines on the Book's cover are truly misleading and are just put up to make the people buy it, marketing tricks. But I can't blame them for doing that. They have to make sales, don't they?

But I do read it at times, the part inside the book called the One Page Story lightens me up. It feels so good that people come up with awesometacular things in just a single page story. I also like the questions that readers can ask the guy called ARASU. He gives creative answers and I did get mad when I got his technique to questions like, "Who will you sit with if Trisha, Amala and Nayan or on the same plane you are in?" He would tell something like, "with Trisha sitting opposite and Nayan near mw and Amala sitting on my lap." I mean, (Explicit language Abbreviated) WTF bro??

Sometimes, the poem page is a feel-good page to read. But what I don't understand is that how some users are so addicted to it even after reading this for like, years or so. Anyways, it is their wish to read or whatever. I can't interject that part. So, Kumudham, is a short-period enjoyable magazine. pretty awesome to a particular extent.

If you think Kungumam is the same as Kumutham and you say that Kungumam is way more better, better shoot yourself. Kungumam is a XEROX of Kumudham and the Editor knows it.

I had no idea of what I was going to write even when I clicked on the "New Post" on the blogger. I turned to my left and in our unused TV table, in the lower rack, lay a Kumudham edition that I recently bought to read it on a bus with Tulsi Nayar's (Heroine of Kadal) picture on the cover. And that clicked and here I sit boring you with something that you never expected that this would be.

Thanks for bearing with my words.

This is Guhan, signing off, Take Care, Buh-bye!!