This has been a big puzzle to many people. What is Crowned Duck? Well, here I am to swoop those question marks above your heads. We all have several wishes and dreams. There are dreams that you are sure that it would happen, some might not happen but you still wish that to happen and some are really complicated. You can't say whether it would happen or not.
My dream is the third category. This all started in my Eleventh grade. I never had a dream/ambition in my life. I've never pictured myself having a career or being a Cine-star (Ahem!) in my future. Till then I was like the Sheepish crowd saying everyone the same routine two things "I wanna be a Doctor" and the "I wanna be an Engineer". But later, I felt this thing very very stupid and I was saying that I was going to be an Animation artist working under the "Pixar Animation Studios" for sometime. But no one gives a crap of what you wanna become until you become what you actually tell, do they? Then suddenly out of nowhere something popped up one day. That day was a fine morning or evening. I was sitting in the first bench as usual in a Zoology period. Sir was teaching a topic under Poultry management. Poultry! Hmm....I did find that interesting. I've never been such attentive in any classes before like that. That made me decide something that day. I made up my mind that I was going to be a Businessman. That business man is gonna raise a Poultry yard and do a rocking Profit.

The dreams went on and on. The Poultry developed to become a Fishery when sir started teaching Fishery Management and then now it has took shape of a Big Brand. Well, let's skip that part and forward to a little more of the Topic-related part. Crowned Duck. It is what the name implies. A duck with a crown. but how did this evolve or emerge or arise? I'll tell you how. When I planned on becoming an Businessman, all I tried to make was a Logo for that Company. So, as I was thinking about this logo-making thing, I wanted to make something that isn't much brandish and I wanted it to be cool so that the company can make cool Slogans. Dreamer dreamer dreamer, see? As some of you might know, my favourite number is 44 (or so I am pretending that to be). I wrote that down and I was staring at it. I had plans like all the products in my Brand should have prices ending with 44. 144, 244, 344 bucks and so on. Okay, After writing it down I started thinking about how to make the logo. My creativity horse is much more faster than anything in this world (No, no this looks like I am bragging. Pfft, no one's gonna read it anyway. So, no worries)

Well, now as you can see the picture, it is a duck drawn out of the number 44. I fixed that to be my logo. Crazy things look awesome when you are in a crazy mind. This thing looked good to me. But it seemed a little odd. So, I added a crown on its head. And thus it became the Crowned Duck. I asked my brother to make it a coloured one. After his awesome work, it looked something like this. Thanks, Raja Vidhuran.
Well, the crown has four precious gems of different colours. Actually, I haven't copy right protected it yet. And I've posted this in my blog. No miracle if someone copies this. Well, if you have "I'm gonna steal this" in your mind, please don't do it. I am paavam. This final logo looks somewhat good, right? The body is slightly odd-structured but still not bad. I guess that's about it. It's my dream to establish a company and to make this my brand logo. Hope I run fast to reach that finish line. Maybe someday, this might become a Big Name!
At times, I call myself "The Crowned Duck". So, now I sign off by saying : "The Crowned Duck will be back"
theivamae neenga engayo poiteenga............................
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Gautham Murugavel
ReplyDeleteDeivame !! Enga Irunthinga ivalavu naalaa.. !!!