"Early in the morning, the sweet bird's song was awesome in Daper's island".
Have you ever read this line anywhere? If you have, then you've read my previous posts. I don't think you have. Well, I did make a post about a story that I wrote in my tenth grade. The "Can I Continue?" post. No? You haven't read that? I hope it's quite good. Open a new tab. Not later, now. And read it. Bro, please. Okay. The word awesome got involved in my life when I was doing the tenth grade. You see, this was not a common word in Tamil Nadu and many didn't know its spelling. One day I said this to my friends: Spell the word Awesome. I think you might be knowing this word now. That's because the usage of this word has increased drastically in the last few years over the internet. Like "If you remember this your childhood was awesome", "If you know them your childhood was awesome". That's absurd, remembering something doesn't mean that my childhood was awesome. Anyways, that word is more common now. And this : a photo of a Highly costly product is upload and the description says,"Like if you want this" like I'm gonna get it delivered by FedEx if I click Like. Ploppers!
As I said earlier, it was not a common word used at that time. I didn't know it till then that the word was an alien to many. When I popped out the Spell-that thing, I found out one thing. People. Couldn't. Spell. Awesome. I was getting answers like Aasam, Oosum, Oasum, Ausum, Oasum etc etc. Pretty good, right? No one in the whole class spelled but a single guy, became the exceptioner(I made this word up) spelled it. Yes he spelled it to me in secret. I was like "yes it is". It was none other than Bala Chandran who secured state III in the tenth grade. The "I was on TV" post. Well, at least have you read this one? I can't believe this. Seems like your one good guy who has escaped from the Boring-text Kingdom of the 2011 in This is me- Guhan blog.
Yes, me and Bala were fans of Pokemon. So, it was from Ash's buccal cavity from where I heard this word for the first time. But I still don't remember anything about how I learnt the spelling to that word. Anyways, finally I revealed the answer to those who were thinking hard and those who were pretending to be thinking hard.
It is a-w-e-s-o-m-e. AWESOME.
When I told this, everyone was like "It's new to me, dude" and there was a question which was a...well....uh....this: Shouldn't that be pronounced Aa-whey-sum? I was surprised at this questioned and I learnt that English is a Crappy language with crazy Spells and Pronunciations. But, I do love English. I walk, talk, run..this is an old dialogue. Maybe I'll skip it.
That's it. Now this word is freaking everywhere. Over usage of this word has literally taken the weight of this word. The word became more and more popular by the TV series How I met your mother. Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) blows our minds in doing that character. He really gave an resurrection to that word, I'll say. I still use 'awesome' often and it is my favourite word till date.
Wanted to tell you this. Told it. That's it for today, folks.
So, this is Guhan saying," Guhan.....wait for it......will be back. Guhan will be back!"