15 July 2011

I am here!

Hey, folks!

This is Raja Guhan. If you are one of the readers, I thank you for reading this. I am 17 years old.

In here, I'll be sharing my thoughts and the things that happened in my freaking life. Sometimes I can blog crazy stuff. Don't worry you can just skip it anyways. It's your choice whether to read or not. You can get to know me from wherever you are if you are provided with a internet connectivity and of course, power. So, Let me Begin.

I was born on 10th of June in the year 1994. My parents are Raguraman and Rajeswari. I thank them first of all before I start to say about me. My Mom and dad : They are the best! Mom- Her care shown towards me is extreme. She guides me in all my decisions. Holds me when I am experiencing a fall. Loves me even after I fall. I feel getting up with that love itself. Love you, Mom. And you too, Dad.  They've always been kind to me and have supported me with whatever I have stood for. Coming to my dad, he is a strong motivator. He is highly interested in meditation and the art of Being Human. He is a perfect dad. Never has he broken a promise, shown his anger on me, blamed a thing on me. He is the Pitha holding the second position in my heart followed by the Maathaa Rajeswari!

So my mom gave birth to me in Chennai, Tamilnadu. The planet cherished on my arrival. So did my relatives. I am a boy who is enjoying my temporary stay in the world. I have trust, confidence, belief and some more motivation-meaning words within me. Raja Guhan as the name suggests, I think I can rule something, at least an ant colony. Well technically there is not King in an ant colony, there's a queen alone. Then I can rule atleast.......never mind.

I will share a post link when I am done writing one. It's THE BLOG NOTIFIER. Special service just for you. What I'm saying is add me you friend in facebook or become a reader so that you can get email notification that a blog post has been made or a facebook status update.

If you have time to read something useless and Great Patience, you'll enjoy this.I hope our journey in this blog would be an awesome one.

Tighten your Seat belts. Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. ha...atlast after skimming, skipping and scrolling stuffs i had finished ( i guess so) all of your blogs....!
    :) really nice... !!!
